Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oregon and Washington

Porland, Bend and Stevenson Washington.
It was a busy week out the PNW with a beautiful drive to Bend Oregon and then to Stevenson Wa for the Roasters Guild.
granted it was a busy week, it was a great trip and chance to visit some of our clients who roast La Minita.
The RG Retreat was great to see familar faces from last year and the oportunity to work with new ones. The roasting tent was great this year and being able to cup coffees with new people was awesome! There was a lot of talk about some of the evoloution of the micro and mid range roasters and what they are looking for from origins and roasted preperation.
I have neglected to post about cuppings and new coffees and will get to that now that some of the travel dust has settled.
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