Sunday, February 28, 2010


Red Catuai pre flowers at La Mintia, this is one of 4 varietals at the farm.
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End of Harvest


Harvest at La Minita is all finished for this crop. We had a great Harvest season at farm and had a great bunch of roasters visit this year! So as the year goes on this blog I will be adding pics and info about La Minita and Rio Negro as well as our other origins. We are also awaiting arrival of coffee from our new mill in Jardin Colombia!
With the end of harvest I would like to thank all of the clients who made the trek to the farm; The staff at La Minita for all of your hard work and for making this another great Harvest!!!
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


End of Harvest at La Minita pickers cleaning the green unripe coffee from the ripe cherries.
Rapela is done at the end of harvest and it's purpose it to remove all fruit ripe or not off of the trees, for preparation for the flowering.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4:45 am getting ready to board

Just about getting ready to board for the final trip to Costa Rica for this harvest. This up coming trip will be interesting due to how late in the season it is. So for me to see some early flowering will be cool, as well as the other farm activities.
There will be photos and more info with the coming posts.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Gearing up

Heading down to the farm for the last time this harvest, bittersweet. wrapping up all of the last loose ends.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Double shot of Bahia Brazil


This was a great double shot of our Bahia Brazil @ CBD in Portland ME.
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La Minita in Portland ME

We had a great 2 days in Portland ME with Coffee By Design. We were able to speak with the public about La Minita and taste a few of our coffees from La Minita, Rio Negro and Bahia Brazil.
Thanks again to all of the CBD folks and their hospitality

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

View of La Minita

This is a better close up view of the whole farm
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View of La Mintia


La Minita is to the right puts it into prospective as to what the farm looks like.
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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Coffee seed

I have brought back 2 lbs of seed from La Minita. A pound of each Catura and Typico Hibrido, I will start some for the office and some for clients. Contact me if you would like some seed.
Well made it down and back from La Minita, in one piece. It was another stellar trip a little cool at night. About 98% of the farm has been picked and there is a little bit of picking left. After cupping all of the new crop coffees I am very excitied about the quality of this years crop! Production has been down it the central valley but these coffees cupped so well.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Waking up to snow...again

It was snowing this morning again. Had a press pot of La Minita and full into the green beans. Will be roasting some samples today and doing some physical of the coffees.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Calling it a day

Well very busy and productive Tuesday in the office. Hopefully I will be all caught up with work before heading to the Farm on the 10th.
Getting the hang of the blog! beware

Testing out the email

This is a test and there will be quite a few tests in the next few weeks

Jim McEnaney

Getting Started

Well my first attempt at blogging. Not sure how this is going to work but I will give it a try.
I will be blogging from the estate coffee farm Hacienda La Minita while in Costa Rica otherwise it will be from home base in Vermont.
Most likely the blog will consist of Cuppings, activities at the farm, photos and what ever else we are all up to.