Sunday, December 19, 2010

El Salvador

Finca El Provenir, El Salvador
Looking forward to cupping this years crop.
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finca El Manzano

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El Salvador

My first trip to El Salvador was great! I saw many farms and visited a few mills. The trees are full of coffee and is looking like it will be a great crop this year if the weather holds out. The main varietals in El Salvador are Bourbon, Pacas, Pacamara and Typica. There are a few new varietals that the government is releasing to the farms. This varietal Sarchimor is a hybrid of Villa Sarchi and Timor (has Robusta genetics) Though the varietal is rust resitant and high production the cup in dirty and inconsitant. I will be adding some photos of the varietal as well trip photos.
Over all a great coffee producing country concidering the lack of water for processing the coffee they have adapted and produce creamy bodied and citrus acidity coffees varying in complexity.