Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yellow Bourbon

So far 12 coffee seeds have popped up out of the soil. I had planted these on May 16th with seed from our recent trip to Jardin Colombia. As the continue to grow I will try some various pruning techniques. Looking foward to the first set of leaves on the plants. The Yellow Bourbon in the photo below is the plant I had taken seed from.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yellow Bourbon


This is one of the Yellow Bourbon plants I found on this farm. The Bourbon were neglected and in a separate part of the farm. The trees hadn't been blocked in a few years with the branches stretching out and the height at over 9 feet tall.
I brought some of the yellow and red Bourbon from this farm to grow in the office. It's great to see some of these old growth varietals on the farms>
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